I've decided I'm going to do an experiment. I'm going to live blog while I drink. It's been snowing like a bitch, and I know I have no school tomorrow, so why the fuck not, right? Let's see what a shit show this will be.
Drink of choice: Classy boxed Franzia Chardonnay. Unopened. Mixing into spritzers, b/c rainbows shoot out my ass.
Time Commenced: 12:15, after doing a workout.
It's now 12:31 am. and I've just finished my first solo cup of drink. I'm trying to keep it classy here ladies. I posted the tweet, "Why am I making wine slushies with snow? Because I'm a genius." That's the truth bitches. I'm watching a dvr'd episode of tonight's Marvel's Agents of Shield. I decided I wanted to get this out of the way first, because after I'd like to watch things that are more of a comedy nature. Heading out to smoke and refill my cup (because my box of wine is on the porch so my mom won't find it. #superlame).
12:59: I've been watching Agents, and something just happened that literally made my jaw drop. Also, my second drink is gone, and I realize that wine slushies with snow are my best idea yet. (Although, I was talking about an adult Easter egg hunt today that has jello shots in the eggs instead of candy, so I'm pretty sure that will win, and I'm throwing an awesome Jesus Resurrection party lol). I have apparently lost the ability to do simple math, b/c one of the characters on the show I know from E.R., and I was thinking that she must be pretty old, but she is hot (and sleeping with the hottest guy on the show), so I IMDB'd her, and it said she was born in 1943. While Dan was born in 1967 and I know he is 46, somehow I couldn't wrap my head around it, and had to do the math on the calculator on my phone...sheesh
1:30. Agents finished. I've moved on to @mignight. It's not my favorite show, but sometimes I like the comedians. I literally just followed one tonight, and sent him a tweet telling him that I'm following him just b/c he's so hot. I'm texting a friend that is a night owl and apologizing for my last drunk texts about Dan...and how I thought I no longer was in love with him. I'm feeling a bit wobbly, and my 23 year old self would like to come and slap me in the face for feeling this way after not even finishing my 3rd drink yet. Luckily, I type well, b/c there would have been a lot of spelling errors in here. I'm assuming later tonight my backspace function will cease to endure. I feel a tiny bit of anger brewing in the back of my drunk, but I'm trying to ignore it. I'm trying to not be angry anymore, but it's so hard, because people ARE FUCKING ASSHOLES.
2:03 It's about to be time for my 4th drink to be gone. I've been making jokes, they funny. I'm going to move on to funnier things, wait, I mean like watching them. I'm still texting my friend. I thought my school would be cancelled tomorrow considering IUPUI is closed tomorrow, and my campus in Columbus is closed as well. Being that my school is in the midst of them I fucking ASSUMED, but who knows. Oh well. I like when the tv is on b/c it keeps me out of my head. I swear if there is a little moment of silence, I go places I don't want to go. Test.....Ok...I took a minute and just listened to my heating system. It sounded like it kept saying hellsbreak over and over.....that took me back to Purdue...and the sex pit on the blow up mattress....and then AH...don't think about that againg..it's not ok. sigh....drink up and make another
2:17 I made my fifth drink. I told my friend i'm texting one of the worst things that has ever happened to me in short form, and she's not responded. Kathy Lee and Hoda are playing in the background...I'm trying to move passed it. My mind is just thinking if it will ever be truly happy again. It's been a long time. My back hurts so bad from my workout. I don't want to focus on nthe negative things, so I'm gonna so watch some Archer.
It's 2:39....I'm watching Brooklyn 99....so fucking funny. I have to rewind it most of the time, either to relaugh, or to watch what I missed while I was laughing. Kind of realizing what I am doing is pretty sad.
2:56: Seriously....I love that show. I am about to watch New Girl, which isn't really my bestest b/c I hate Zoe Deschanel, but I still watch the show somehow...I quite for a while, a friend made me finish. Drink is gone. going to drinki 6. I'm guessing....but now I know I'm right reading up.
It's 3:09 I'm watchin Archer...my vision is blurred. I hate that I'm but what I don't hate that I'm getting this drunk this quick. I just wish..........I , oh god....we're talking ab
out wishes....I'm going to Aladdin.....If I had three wishes.....One would seriously be to have a great body, and I have a man who I want to look like....no, he's not a celebrity. and to be honest, as come wishes to myself, that's about it....most of my wishes would be for others.
3:13: My friend who is pregnatn just messaged me on FB.
345..................I may be drunjk....sure. i miss all of y0u realiing this jis stupid. crap. I likke this shitp. Ohk, hod on, it's over. but
11:41am. I just woke up. Apparently I blacked out.